

谁说你不能独自度过一个美好的假期? 在贝博体彩app,当你探索这座城市时,你永远不会感到孤独.

贝博体彩app的美景, 远离世界的餐厅, and welcoming spirit can make the city feel especially romantic—but we're not just a city for lovebirds. 如果你独自旅行,贝博体彩app是一个很棒的目的地, 和一群朋友一起来, 或者想找点事单独做. Here are some of the experiences that we think best exemplify why 贝博体彩app is a great place to visit, 无论你是单身还是只想独自探索这座城市.


If you only have a short time in the Bay Area or want to get acclimated to the city early in your trip, 标志性的跳上/跳下 贝博体彩app大巴士之旅 是一个很好的解决方案. 游览从 渔人码头 带你游览贝博体彩app最受欢迎的20个景点. 它甚至穿过 金门大桥.

Want to see the city on foot and maybe meet some new friends along the way? 预订旅行 野外SF徒步游. 这些对贝博体彩app不寻常的探索预示着音乐的到来, 笑着说, and some insights into the parts of city history other tours might not tell you about.

如果你想在导游的带领下刺激一下,那就报名参加 贝博体彩app捉鬼徒步游. You'll explore some of the city's most storied neighborhoods and learn about the strange and spooky things that have happened in the past.

想要尝试一些跳出你的舒适区? 乘坐摩托车在湾区进行全天或多日游 Native Moto Adventures. 他们提供正宗的, customizable tours that'll take you through 贝博体彩app and beyond on two wheels. 一路走来, 你可以认识其他骑手, 与户外联系, 以前所未有的方式欣赏贝博体彩app湾区.


在一个空闲的下午,你在 金门公园. 吃东西之前, work up an appetite with a bike ride or go back to basics with traditional roller skates. 金门公园自行车 & Skate(富尔顿街3038号.) rents bicycles, roller skates, and in-line skates, along with all of the safety equipment you need. You can also rent bike locks, and there are lockers to store your valuables while you explore.

From the western edge of 金门公园 where it meets Ocean Beach, take a ride to the 苏特罗式浴 废墟(Lobos大道1090号.) to explore what's left of the old bath house and enjoy magnificent panoramic ocean views.

之后,你可以像当地人一样生活,在金门自拍 贝克海滩. Though the surf is 太 rough for swimming, it’s a gorgeous spot for an oceanside walk. 当你在那里的时候,你可能会遇到裸体日光浴者. Feel free to join them; it's completely legal.

对于那些想要得到完美的明信片贝博体彩app的照片, 你也可以去阿拉莫广场公园欣赏 涂女士伯纳尔高地公园位于 任务的区 从桥到桥的景色,或者徒步到 双峰 并获得令人瞠目结舌的景色作为奖励.


世界级水族馆, 互动科学展览, and some of the country’s most diverse art collections make 贝博体彩app’s 博物馆 任何游客都必去. 这里有几个适合独自旅行的地方.


Founded in 1935 as the first West Coast museum devoted to modern and contemporary art, 转换后的 贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆(SFMOMA) 2016年重新开业. snohetta设计的扩建项目包括170个,000平方英尺的新建和翻新的画廊, 使SFMOMA能够展示更多的33个,000件现当代艺术品, 整层楼都是专门用来摄影的. 免费访问45个,000 square feet of ground-floor galleries makes SFMOMA more welcoming and connected to the city than ever before.


华特迪士尼家庭博物馆 (蒙哥马利街104号).) celebrates Walt's creativity and innovation with a variety of interactive exhibits. Get a closer look at original drawings and car太ns that formed the foundation of Disney’s animated empire. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the museum is an in-depth look at Walt Disney himself. You will learn about the life experiences and events that inspired this creative genius.


的 加州科学院 (55 音乐 Concourse Drive) is your opportunity to indulge in an array of scientific topics. Inside, you will discover a natural history museum, a rainforest, an aquarium, and a planetarium. 在90英尺高的雨林穹顶上观赏自由飞翔的鸟儿, 或者看企鹅吃东西, 睡觉, 和玩. 天文馆提供独特的夜空景观, and you can look forward to a selection of special exhibits that explore secrets of the universe.


贝博体彩app的餐饮环境在全球名列前茅, 而体验它的最好方式之一就是独自一人. 惊讶? 不要. Not only do you get to taste more of the Bay Area's bounty and experience innovative creations from the best culinary talent, but you can also walk into almost anywhere and get seated much easier than if you were with a plus-one (or two or three!). 如果你独自用餐,这里有一些地方很容易抢到位子.


丰富的表 十多年来一直是单身歌手的主打歌曲吗, known for its chips with entire sardines slotted through the middle; grilled pork chops glazed with pluot teriyaki; watermelon, chamoy, cheddar sorghumand salad; and bread infused with actual Douglas fir. 这是你想在酒吧里找个座位的地方. 很难知道该吃什么, 但对于那些拿不定主意的人, 最好的选择是主厨精选菜单.


Thanks to a walk-in-only bar and communal table, people have been gathering at NOPA 十多年了. 的re is always a long line due to hearty entrées like pappardelle with bolognese and butternut squash, 摩洛哥辣味炸鸡配辣椒蜂蜜. 所以骑上马鞍去酒吧吧, 点一场迪斯科竞技表演或另一种别出心裁的鸡尾酒, 吃他们的木烤芝士汉堡配鸭油薯条, 这个城市最好的是哪一家. 告诉劳伦斯大厨我们派你来的!


If you are traveling alone and want an energetic atmosphere, you will fit right in at 罗罗语 瓦伦西亚街974号.). 墨西哥菜的底料很地道, 但厨师们加入了纯粹的加州风味的创意. 的 décor is what makes this spot stand out; brightly colored wall hangings and a variety of unusual knick-knacks keep the conversation flowing and the mood spirited.


你也可以访问 吉尔德利广场 去闲逛 贝博体彩app酿酒公司. This innovative craft brewery offers a one-of-a-kind beers, a full menu, live 音乐, and games. It's steps from the waterfront and a great starting point for a night out in the 玛丽娜.


如果你想要新鲜的空气和便宜的食物,那就去米逊湾吧 引发社会 有一系列的食品和饮料的选择. 虽然这是一种你可以和朋友分享的经历, 户外美食公园值得你独处, 太. 的 park collaborates with more than 150 street food vendors like city favorites Señor Sisig, Los Kuyas和Koja Kitchen, 所以你每次回来都会有不同的体验. 


贝博体彩app 音乐 场馆已经成为数十位知名艺人的起点, 所以,不去看一场表演,到这个城市的旅行就不完整. 酒馆(1232 Grant Ave ..)是当地最受欢迎的酒吧,有真正的潜水吧的感觉. Make sure to hit the ATM first, though; it’s cash-only.

If you are in the mood for a more elegant setting, enjoy a performance at the 美国音乐厅 (奥法雷尔街859号.). 的 packed event calendar offers something for everyone, from reggae beats to EDM. 不管你要见谁, 最大的吸引力可能是你周围的环境:大理石柱, 详细的壁画, 和典型的维多利亚式的dsamcor.

And if you just want to cut loose on the dance floor, there are plenty of places to do that, 太. 完整的,身体碰撞的声音,请到 Audio (11街316号).) and experience its Funktion One 3D sound system, the only set-up of its kind. 从现场表演到变装表演到顶级dj,请访问 绿洲 (11街298号).). This gay club welcomes everyone and there's no telling how many different performers you might hear in a given night.


Dan是贝博体彩app旅游公司的全球营销副总裁. 贝博体彩app has been his home for over a decade (that makes him a local, right?). 在周末, 你可以看到他手里拿着一杯精酿咖啡, 一个有良好共鸣的播放列表, 越来越多的书要读, 或者去城里最热门的新餐厅或酒吧.
